
As you notice , our procedure for your tattoo or piercing was a sterile environment , sterile tubes , sterile needles, sterile jewelry, disposable equipment, as well our supplies carefully autoclaved. For best results on your fresh tattoo or piercing is maintaining a sterile hygiene . To do so please follow directions.


  1. Wash your hands thoroughly before touching the tattoo or applying any cream or ointment

  2. Remove the sterile bandage 2 hours after you leave the studio. It is not necessary to apply another bandage.

  3. Wipe off excess A&D ointment with a piece of sterile gauze or cotton. Apply a light film of A&D ointment 3 to 4 times daily for the following week.

  4. A protective scab will form on your tattoo about 2 days after you leave the studio. It is very important not to pick or tamper with it. It is there for your protection and will fall off by itself after six or seven days.

  5. Change to clean bedsheets for the night after you get the tattoo to avoid any cross contaminations.

  6. Keep your tattoo as dry as possible while it is healing. Wash the tattoo gently when you bathe. Blot it dry. Do not let the force of water from a shower spray directly on the tattoo. Do not soak the scab off when bathing. (Only Tattoo Ointment for hydration)

  7. Keep your tattoo out of the sun while it is healing. A sunburned tattoo is hard to heal and may leave your tattoo with a dull lifeless look.

  8. Avoid salt water and stay out of chlorine pools. If you must go swimming in fresh water please use your towel to carefully blot your tattoo dry. Place the towel on the tattoo and press gently for about a minute.

  9. Wear loose-fitting clothes or garments over the tattooed area to avoid friction and irritation of the skin.

  10. Avoid sweaty environments for a fresh tattoo to help reduce chances of bacteria and infections.

  11. If you work around grease or oils or otherwise rough work be sure to wear a garment that is heavy enough to protect the tattoo while it is healing.

  12. To all the animal lovers: Sorry, but your loved one(s) should not stay in bed with you during the first week after!

  13. A fresh tattoo is a fresh wound, all steps must be taken in considerations. It will take about 2-3 weeks for the wound to heal properly.


What to do

  • Wash hands (Antibacterial soap)

  • Clean 2-3x Daily with Saline spray (NeilMed) 

  • Use a clean cotton tip applicator 

  • Keep clean for 1-3 months for a healthy piercing (6-1 yr for fully healed)

What not to do 

  • No Touching (will result in keloids from bacteria) 

  • No Make up ( will suffocate the wound) 

  • No picking dry scabs ( can reopen wound) 

  • No Alcohol or peroxide 

  • No soap washes on piercing

  • No body fluid exchanging ( Body fluids contain bacteria) 

  • Not recommended drinking/smoking (Can irritate wound, If so rinse immediately) 


  • Ibuprofen/Motrin ( Reduces swelling/Pain) 

  • Ice ( Reduces swelling) 

  • Maintain healthy diet ( Vitamin A,B,C,D & K, help Boost immunity to prevent infections)

What is normal?

  • Some bleeding, swelling, light bruising, discoloration, irritation, and a secretion of white-yellow-ish crud (not puss), will form into scab regenerating skin cells. 

  • piercing may fully seem healed but the inside tissue may still be fragile on the inside and can cause damage if not being gentle with piercing.

What is not normal?

  • Dark red-Purple swelling, embedding jewelry, over growth on piercing, suffocation from makeup and greenish corrosion.